Famille Le Boulengé
Famille Le Boulengé
Objective and structure of the site «Famille Le Boulengé»
This site is meant for the over thousand descendants of Ernest Le Boulengé and Marie Poncelet, and relatives. It has three sections (links on the Welcome page). Each has several pages, the first two sections also have a Blog.
This site has the following aims
-To facilitate contacts between members of the family :
Section Informations, page Directories et page Relais;
-Help family members in localizing themselves in the family structure and in understanding it:
Section Informations, page Genealogy;
-Bring to your knowledge the artistic and cultural activities of members of the family :
Section Arts & Culture, Blog;
-Advertise the artists of the family :
Section Arts & Culture, page Artists;
-Announce family gatherings and other family events or news :
Section Souvenirs & News, Blog;
-Present reports of family events and gatherings :
Section Souvenirs & News, pages Paradisio 2005, Belœil 2007, Maredsous 2010…
For a User’s Guide of the site, click here.
For a general Introduction to the LeBoul Site, click here.
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